Soule Homestead Landscape
People often disagree on the value of open space, like the Soule Homestead. Our mission is to teach people where their food comes from and promote sustainable agriculture, which requires open fields for crops and grazing. Many people visit the Farm to learn about agriculture and many people come to the farm because of the open space. We have scenic vistas in every direction, from sunrise to sunset, that inspire the creative side of our visitors and help them recharge their batteries after their work in our busy world. First time visitors to the Farm often speak of the feelings of peace and well-being they experience walking around. We don’t know exactly what those feelings are worth, but we all value that experience and whisper about “our little secret.”

Our open spaces inspire creative people of all types. This web page is dedicated to the creative people the Soule Homestead helps inspire. We are proud to share some of the work of the people we know. If we don’t know you yet, please introduce yourself. If you don’t know us yet, please accept our invitation to visit and see for yourself. Our workshops, events, and concerts are a great reason to visit for the first time although nothing compares to experiencing the Soule Homestead by walking our fields

Traditional Crafts

Traditional crafts were part of the mission of Soule Homestead from the beginning. We offer regular workshops on rug braiding, chair caning, basket weaving, rug hooking, and quilting, to name a few. Local experts volunteer their time and expertise to help beginners to experts learn and improve these crafts. Our workshops help inspire people while preserving the crafts our parents and grandparents considered essential.

The link between agriculture and traditional crafts may be most apparent when you start with our sheep. Each spring we invite the public to watch our sheep get sheared. Starting with the fleece, we clean, card, spin, and weave the wool, helping our visitors understand that farms feed AND cloth us. You can always find local spinners, weavers and knitters at our events demonstrating the close ties between farming and the traditional crafts that sustained our grandparents.

Special Thanks to all our Workshop Teachers

Thank you for your generous donation of your time and talents!